Client Testimonials

Partnering with Jamie through coaching has helped my family tremendously. Helping my sons to process emotions properly and teaching me what to do at home on my end has been a game changer for our family.


Jamie has been such a blessing in my life. She immediately made me feel accepted and comfortable in our very first session. I am so thankful for the tools Jamie has provided me with and her wisdom!


I love recommending Jamie as a professional coach. I have full confidence that her clients are in the most caring and hopeful hands. Jamie embodies the role of what it means to come along side those seeking to have a healed heart and mind.


I had been looking and praying for a trauma-informed, Christian coach for many years and that combination is almost impossible to find. A friend of mine recommended Jamie and after speaking with her for five minutes I knew that my prayers had been answered. Jamie creates a safe, judgment-free space for me to share my deepest struggles and she receives them with such patience, grace and kindness. She validates my hurts and concerns and makes me feel seen, valued and cared for. I like to call Jamie “the wizard” because she can magically help me identify deep-rooted pains and false beliefs I have held onto since childhood and I have learned so much more about myself in the time I’ve been seeing her than I have in my whole 34 years of life!


This has been my first time doing coaching and my experience with Jamie has been amazing. I feel very comfortable with her and she has been able to help me get back to my normal self! I would recommend her to anybody seeking coaching!


Finding Jamie was an answer to a very big prayer. She has been a light on our dark path we were walking with our son. She has helped him learn how to navigate big feelings for a 10-year-old. His favorite day of the week is the day he gets to see Mrs. Jamie! We are beyond thankful!


"Feelings of worth can flourish only in an atmosphere where individual differences are appreciated, mistakes are tolerated, communication is open, and rules are flexible - the kind of atmosphere in a nurturing family."
- Virginia Satir